(Continued after break)
America's Memorial Day is a unique holiday in world culture; true most other countries have some day of remembrance for their armed forces,but these events are largely celebrations of conquest, regardless of context, nationalistic pride, divorced from morality, or secular religious services, designed to reinforce self immolation to the State. In America, a celebration of our Armed Forces is not only an opportunity to give a well deserved thanks to those brave souls who don our nations colors and fight our peoples foes; it is also a time to reflect upon what the nature of our soldiers mission is and what that mission means to an American Citizen. Unlike most every other military in the history of Mankind, America's Armed Forces are not swaggering conquerors, rapacious plunderers, or mindless animals led to sacrifice for the State. Americans soldiers are defenders of Americans Rights. The rights of every man, women, and child to live a free, safe, and prosperous life; Unchained from the age old fears of invasion, starvation, and privation at the hands of would be killers. Make no mistake, the one action that separates Americas people from the physical threats that surround them is that thin wall of our Soldiers who say "Not tonight my countrymen, you will be safe as long as I can breathe." And for that we owe them thanks beyond words.
The unique attribute of the American Soldier and the American Citizen is not the willingness to die for an idea, America is not unique in that regard. What is unique in America is the willingness and joy in LIVING by certain principles. The benevolence to you fellowman, the live and let live freedom of American culture, and the foundational Individualism that gave birth to our greatest of nations. The American Spirit and the American Soldier serve the same cause "[...]Eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." The American Soldier though takes this a step further for he is willing to give "the last full measure" in defense of his right to LIVE as he pleases. The American Soldier and the American Citizen are forever linked in this regard, bound inexorably to one another in the eternal defense of a Mans Right too live for himself and himself alone.
So then, how should an American celebrate such an august occasion? The answer is as simple as it is sacred, live a happy and flourishing life. The ultimate thanks an American can give to a fallen Soldier is this; do not let his death count for nothing, make sure the Freedom he gave his life to defend is used, preserved, defended, and appreciated. Americans should take Memorial day a reminder to check your premises, are you living so that the price paid for your freedom is worth it? Are you allowing your politicians to chip away at the very foundations of Liberty that have been paid for by so many lives? Memorial Day should be a day of remembrance yes, but that remembrance should not be solemn tears, nationalistic slogans, or calls for self sacrifice. That remembrance should be how Americans have always celebrated, with rollicking laughter, shared friendships, productive careers, and a childlike benevolence. This is what America owes its Soldiers, too make sure their loss has not been made in vain.
On a personal note, most of my best friends have been soldiers. While I have never served in uniform and can humbly say we are kindred spirits in our love of country and its principles. Even though your countrymen may at times abandon you I shall not, I am the stalwart defender of American Liberty and the American Military. To the men and women I have been lucky enough too call friend, to those those whom I have yet too meet, and too those who I will unfortunately never know; my Deepest and sincerest thanks for what you do, have done, and will ever endeavor to do.
Thank You.
"The army of a free country has a great responsibility: the right to use force, but not as an instrument of compulsion and brute conquest — as the armies of other countries have done in their histories — only as an instrument of a free nation's self-defense, which means: the defense of a man's individual rights. The principle of using force only in retaliation against those who initiate its use, is the principle of subordinating might to right. The highest integrity and sense of honor are required for such a task. No other army in the world has achieved it. You have."
See Also: http://fare.tunes.org/liberty/library/pwni.html
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