Sunday, August 26, 2012

A few thoughts on the Death of Neil Armstrong

Truth be told,one of the reasons  I thought about starting this blog was one my heroes dies on Saturday.  Neil Armstrong was a man who truly personified some of the best aspects of the America spirit.  At 6 years old Neil took to flying and never looked back; he pursued his passion for his entire life and never apologized for it.

Obviously his most well known moment was being the FIRST HUMAN BEING TO WALK ON ANOTHER CELESTIAL BODY.  Think about that for a minute, what kind of dedication, commitment, bravery, and passion would it take to step into a tiny capsule and be the first person to accomplish something great?  What kind of man is capable of that?  Neil Armstrong was, he truly had 'The Right Stuff'

Mr.Amstrong's accomplishments are far too numerous to chronicle here  and that is not my purpose.  All death is tragic, but the greater tragedy in Armstrong was the utter lack commentary.  An American hero had left this wonderful world he helped to build, and no one seemed to notice.  Neil Armstrong was a living embodiment of the statement 'It can be done and I am the one too do it',  He was a Heroin the purest sense, a paragon to point to and say 'This man lived well strive to be like him'.

I for one will never forget what have done, Godspeed Mr Armstrong, one giant leap indeed.

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